Thor's Stone Athletic Club

TSAC did not come into being by accident. It was a long thought out premise by one individual, who is professionally trained in athletics with 40 years of experience that enables him to oversee and execute its goals and directions.

This unique organization is based on the concept of enabling everybody and and women of all ages, including seniors, young adults and even students to embrace and practice an ideal that inspired its conception. That ideal is to become active in physical activities that make for better lives, more healthful outlooks, social camaraderie and enable and satisfy everyone's needs to be a more vital individual.
If this sounds a trifle unobtainable or even too idealistic, it is not.... because it is now happening among our many members that are provided with free coaching and training from experts in their fields....and there are no memberships fees.

The physical activities TSAC is involved with are track and field and weight lifting. They come with coaching and guidance at every step.... for every member with individual attention.
TSAC encourages all to become participants instead of merely viewers or observers of sports and physical challenges. "With Big Risk comes Big Reward"
Why does TSAC do it?
The answer to that may seem unusual, but it really is not. The individual spoken of in the opening paragraph wants to continue to attract and mentor and guide club members in his principals and activities that have proven so meaningful to him..... and why not?  Passing it along can prove very meaningful for everyone.